pretty stuff`

Thanks to Deah (visit her on the side link cause I'm too lazy to make her name a link!) I got an awesome new header to make my blog more me! I love the site and think I might start MK a digital scrap book using the site I made the header with. Deah pointed me in the right direction and now I'll point you.. visit scrapblog to see what you can make! look back for more creations.


Michelle said...

Totally cute header. Thanks for reminding me about Scrapblog. I need a new header...

Chez said...

aw look at you being all crafty!!!!

Andrea said...

I like your new layout. I need to work on mine. Mine's so boring. :-P

NurseDeah said...
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NurseDeah said...

aw, yay! so glad i helped you on your blogging road. lol very cute!

and thanks for the shoutout, too! :)