Here is a summary of our year.
Wesley was living in Brandon, FL with Brother and Gina. MK and I were living in Opp, AL with my Mom while I was looking for a job in the Tampa area. Wesley got laid off from the job he moved to Tampa for.
Cheryl and Justin got married. I was a bridesmaid. Wesley was an usher and MK was just cute!
Wesley and I celebrated our 4th anniversary. I got a job at Camelot Community Cares, Inc. MK and I moved to Florida with Wesley
Nothing major sticks out for March! Guess it was a quiet month.
MK turns 1!!

Lots of family came to see us and help celebrate MK's birthday. She had a beach party at the beach with a sandcastle birthday cake. She also walked on her own the day after her birthday. She hasn't slowed down yet!!!!
We find out MK will have a cousin later in the year. Lauren and Brandon are expecting.
May was again a slow month, nothing sticks out as happening.
Wesley parents come visit and we go to a family reunion in Seffner, FL (about an hour from where we live).

I think June is also when Joseph and Jess came to visit, but could be wrong on that. We move into an apartment to try to downsize and safe a little money. Wesley starts his job at Terminix thanks to Lost my Balls. MK starts at Ms. Teenas. She was hesitant at first, but warmed up to it and got to the point she didn't want to leave when I got there to pick her up.
Mom, Lauren and Brandon come down for the 4th. We do lots of swimming. We went to the bay to watch the fireworks.

MK and I ride to Alabama with Jenn and Grandma Sally for Sunii's birthday party. It was quick trip, but worth the ride.
Wesley begins the last year of his 20s with a birthday hash. Brother also celebrates turning 29. I think there was lots of drinking completed in August.

I got tickets to the Judas Priest concert through work.
I start a new position at work. I am now the Adoption Family Finder. I will be helping to build support networks for our teens getting ready to age out of care. I hope to have them a network of family that will be there for them when those of us that are paid to be there are no longer there.
We rode to Alabama with Aunt Debbie and Uncle John in their RV for the Labor Day holiday. That is definitely the way to go as far as traveling with a little one. we had family pictures taken while in Alabama by Priceless Pix.

We help the Murdocks welcome little Ayden into the world, and boy was he little!
October was, in it's usual fashion, a crazy month!
I celebrate the big 3-0 with a birthday hash. Okay, it wasn't really for my birthday but the Jolly Rogers H3 celebrated their 500th run on my birthday, so we had a big hashy party! A few days later Ericka also turned 3-0 and her not to be out done husband, Ben, rounded out the week of festivities with his 30th birthday. We co-hared a hash on Ben's birthday. It was lots of fun. Then we went for drinks at one of our favorite bars, Grind House.

I became an Aunt!! Landon Wyatt Behrens joined the world on 10/26 after giving his Mommy lots of labor pains. MK and I went to Alabama to see Wyatt Halloween weekend. It is also Wyatt's Mommy and Daddy's birthday on Halloween. MK was a Tampa Bay Pirate (okay maybe not a Tampa pirate, but cute one none the less!).

Brother becomes a home owner and moves his stuff to his new town home from the apartment.
We also move to Brother's new townhouse. It is super close to work!! MK starts at Time of Wonder daycare center, aka school.

This is a picture of her first artwork. It is hanging on the fridge!
This is the first time she has been in a center. She seems to like it, but cries when I leave her. The teachers say she is fine when I leave. She was the same way at Teenas. She also catches a cold in the first week she is there, so that adds to the clinginess. We are ending November with a trip to Alabama for Thanksgiving and the Iron Bowl. ROLL TIDE!!
We will be staying at home for Christmas. Wesley parents are coming down sometime the week before. My family is coming down on Christmas Eve and will stay a few days. Green and Dane (friends from Alabama) are coming down the end of the month and will be here to bring in 2010. Chrisy and crew will also be in town for the new year. Hopefully with Sunii and Dell as a permanent part of their family!

Busy busy woman! I am so happy you moved here, hopefully we will be able to get together more often in 2010. :)
WOW! That's a lot of review there! Did I know that you are older than Wes? Congrats to brother on the town home as well. Sounds like you are doing well. I miss you!
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