Hope your year ended as well as ours did. It seems we've had a whirlwind of people here in the last 3 weeks. It was great seeing so many people, but I'm glad to have our house back and be back on a regular schedule.
MK got quite confused with all the babies. She is use to seeing Ayden so when Wyatt got here she kept calling him Ayden. When she got use to Wyatt he left and Alaina came for a few days. MK of course called her Wyatt the first several days. She was a super big helper with all the babies.

I tried to get a good picture of MK and Wyatt so Mom would have a picture of the two of them together. The above was the best I could get all weekend. MK wasn't too into sitting still.
We got to enjoy Wyatt's 1st Christmas.

I made his stocking. Isn't is super cute?

MK had a great Christmas. She got a Leapster from Poppa and Grandmother. It's still a little advanced for her, but she's figuring it out quickly. Gaga (she decided she is calling my mom Gaga instead of Grannymomma) got her some pink legos. She loves them and plays with them every day. Santa brought her a stroller, cradle and carrier for her babies. She put her blocks in it and pushes them around.
I got to experience the other side of adoption during the holiday break. Sunii and Dell are now officially apart of their FOREVER FAMILY.

It was interesting to see how other local counties do things. I work in Hillsborough County (Tampa). Sunii and Dell's adoption was through Pinellas County (Clearwater area). In our county, no pictures are allowed until after all the offical stuff is done. In Pinellas, the Judge told everyone who wanted to take pictures to feel free move where ever they needed to in the court room whenever we needed to. I got some great pictures of Bobby and Chrisy being sworn in as well as the Judge signing the order.
At work we are throwing around the idea of challenging our friends to become a mentor for a youth in foster care. Want more information about how you can mentor? Leave me a message and I'll help point you in the right direction.

I love the new header
I love the new header.
MK is so cute. I would have gotten confused with two babies too. I want to see those photos that you scrapped bigger. I can't see the stocking you made for Wyatt. So glad you blogged. :D
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