June disappeared before my eyes! The last time I blogged, we were getting ready to head to Alabama. We had a great trip and fit lots of visits in.

MK helped document the trip! She loves taking pictures and having her picture taken.

We started our visit in Troy. We met Wesley's parents at the park so MK could play. She had a great time playing with Poppa and Grandmother. It was a good visit. We then met the Bateman's at a local restaurant for dinner. We didn't get any pictures from dinner, but had a good time. Alaina has gotten SOO big!

MK and Hailey bug dressed alike. They are so cute together. MK follows Hailey around every where and Hailey just eats it up. We stayed at Michelle's most of the weekend, but due to all the events of the weekend we were only there at night.

far left Corey, back Dad, far right Uncle Richard, front with back to us- Brother.
they are playing cribbage. We grew up playing this at Grammie's. I had not played in YEARS, but got the hang of it pretty quickly.

MK learning to play cribbage. I told you we learned it young!!

The Aunts- Doris, Debbie and Stacy

Pops and Super Y hanging out during pictures.

MK waiting for her turn to be in pictures. Her hair had been done since early that morning, this was at about 5pm. I tried to re-do it but didn't have any more ponytail holders, so we did it with just the bows. It didn't work so well!! She was also VERY VERY tired. She got up early and had not had a nap.

I was holding Y and MK got a little jealous and wanted me to hold her too. Turned into a cute picture if I do say so myself!!

Group shot by Priceless Pix. Pam does great work. She took lots of pictures.

My favorite picture of the entire weekend! The girls hugging bye.
4th of July celebration

MK ready to celebrate the 4th in style. I made her shirt with the assistance from Mom, who came down to help us celebrate the 4th of July. This is the 2nd year she's been her for the 4th. We didn't do too much, but had a good time. We did some sewing and embroidering on Saturday and then went to Largo to hang out with Natalie's family on Sunday. Originally we were going to head over to Largo City Park and spend the day at the park and possibly participate in the record breaking Twist, but the rain spoiled that!

MK and Uncle Jay discussing which fireworks to do next, in the rain

This is what they ended up with.

Her reaction! It was priceless. She would tense up in anticipation then laugh and say AGAIN when the boom was over.

Uncle Jay showing us sparklers in the rain.

They ended up playing in the rain. Uncle Jay was showing her how to catch it with her tongue. She was soaked after they got finished, but Mommy had extra clothes for her!

It didn't stay dry too long! The rain stopped in time for us to head over to the park. Unfortunately it had rained so much that the field was mud puddle after mud puddle. MK played in the big one that was right behind us. We got a variety of looks from others in the crowd. Some people were in shock that I was letting her play in the mud, others looked jealous that they weren't playing in it! She ran and ran through it.

on of the over 500 fireworks pictures that Brother took. This was one of the best fireworks shows I have seen.

She was amazed by it! She kept saying "Oh My Gosh!" she would cover her face while she said it. Her response was as good as the fireworks show. The only bad part of the weekend was that Wesley was not here to enjoy it with us! We are super ready for him to be home!!!

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