MK and her new cousin Mac waiting for the adults to get ready to head out to the parade. There are so many possibilities for captions! Let me know what you are thinking

MK watching the parade. This is probably my favorite picture from the parade. It just captures so much.
Speaking of MK's new cousin, Mac.....
This handsome little guy was born Monday, October 25.

MK meeting Mac for the 1st time! She loves him to death. She is very helpful most of the time. When Nat was pregnant, we told her she had a monkey in her belly. MK has called him a monkey ever since. Now that he is here and has a name, she calls him Mac-a-Monkey (kinda like whack-a-mole, all one word)

The proud parents are my Brother and his fiancee, Nat. This was not long after she had had a c-section, thus the joyful look on her face!
The weekend before Mac's arrival, Wes, MK and I went to Alabama to help celebrate my nephew Y's 1st birthday. His actual birthday is the 26th, yep the day after Mac's!

While we were there, MK got her 1st haircut. She sat very still for Ashley and so proud of her haircut. Ashely cut so little that you can barely see it in the ziplock bag, but we saved it all! Wes wasn't so sure he wanted her hair cut.

MK and Y in their matching Halloween shirts with Aunt Stacy. Y in his pumpkin suit. He was the cutest pumpkin ever! His party was a costume optional. He and MK were the only ones that wore them, so they quickly changed into their matching shirts.

Y's awesome cake that his Aunt Dawn had made for him. It looked so real!
After returning from Alabama and welcoming Mac, it was time for Halloween. At first MK was dead set on being Mickey Mouse. She thankfully changed her mind and wanted to be Tinkerbell. She was the cutest Tink ever!

She actually got some use out of her costume this year. She wore it to Y's party, to her daycare Halloween parade and for Trick or Treating. Her best friend Ian's birthday was during all the craziness, so his Mom had his party on Halloween.

They were so sweet holding hands while trick or treating. They would run up to the door together, both knock, then when someone would answer, they would both say, "trick or treat". They used their manners and said, "Thank You" and "Happy Halloween" as they were leaving.

Mac got in on the dressing up too! He wore Y's costume from last year. Being exactly a year younger, I'm sure this will not be the last hand-me-down he gets from Y!
We are going to Alabama for Thanksgiving. It'll be lots of fun. I'm sure everyone will love on Mac. Hopefully MK will share!

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