Madelyn hanging out in the shade at the Schofield Family reunion on Saturday
Madelyn (in her bathing suit) sleeping in her stroller at Big Poppa's birthday dinner. The pool was waay too cold for her.
Yesterday day Wesley, Madelyn and I had a lazy day at home. None of us got out of our PJs. We watched Gone Baby Gone, The Valley of Ellah, and Michael Clayton. They were all good movies and worth watching. Gone Baby Gone was nominated for several awards, but I don't know what it won. The other two I had not heard of, but would definetly recommend them. The Valley of Ellah is about a solider who went missing after coming back from Iraq. His father (also former Army) goes to the base to get answers for himself. He ends up helping the detective. I won't tell you any more as not to ruin the movie.
I did get a little sewing done during my 6 weeks off. I recently found a program that will let me put letter together to make words, instead of having to embroider each letter individually.
That is a onesie I made for Madelyn. It is my favorite I've embroidered so far. I also made several burp cloths for my Grandma to give as gifts, but forgot to take pictures before I gave them to her.
It's getting late, I'm off to bed in preparation for back to work tomorrow....
I'm sorry that you had to go back to work. That went by so quickly. I really love the onesie that you embroidered for Madelyn! Thanks for sharing!
not sure why I don't have you bookmarked...but I just found your blog.
anyway, she is GORGEOUS! can't believe it's been that long already...sorry you have to go back so soon
She so looks like you in that pic in the two-piece. That zebra suit is too adorable.
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