She wore it, but loved it! I also give her cereal too. Right now she is just eating at super time. I don't think it will be too long before we add breakfast.
Monday night I introduced pears. She was not crazy about them at all. She would turn her head and poke her lips out when I tried to give her a bite. She did eat the cereal. Tuesday night I tried pears again (Dr. Z said only introduce a new food every 3 days). It went much better Tuesday night. She ate them like she did the carrots. I'm not sure what we'll try next, but I'm sure it will be messy!!
Madelyn's Uncle Johnathan is playing high school football. I made her a "jersey" out of one of her onesies. I haven't' taken a picture yet, but will Friday while she is wearing it.
Here's a cute picture to leave you with:
hope those pictures aren't too big! I normally use imageshack to host pictures but it was being dumb so I used photobucket and am not sure it worked!!
You call that eating carrots? If they tasted even remotely good I might put them on my face too...
Oh she's adorable. Loved seeing the photos. Glad she gave the pear a second try!
Wow look at those beautiful eyes! Such a stunning color of blue. I always wished I had blue eyes, but both my girls do so that works!
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