Wow I didnt such a good job of blogging this week! At least there is always Summary Sundays to catch you up. Monday and Tuesday must have been pretty slow, because I'm not really remembering anything we did other than our regular routine. Monday I made a bag out of Dollar Tree place mats.


After. The M is out of ribbon because I was too lazy to change my machine over to embroider. It turned out super cute if I do say so myself!! This was with two place mats.

Before; a place mat and a potholder

After; an awesome bag with a pocket on the outside!
Tuesday before Ian got here, MK and I made Father's Day gifts. I hope to get them in the mail this week so Wesley will get his by Saturday. No pictures yet because we can't ruin the surprise! MK and Ian both went to bed really well this week. I think they are finally getting use to going to bed with the other one around. I had worked some over time the last few weeks, so I took Wednesday off as a me day. I was able to get a lot of sewing done. I almost finished the t-shirt quilts I started on back in February or March.

I was so happy to get these done and delivered. I actually finished them on Friday evening, which happened to be Stroke's birthday! The quilts were made out of his old t-shirts. It was weird because I had the tv on in the background while I was finishing up Friday and kept seeing the American Caner Society's commercial for the official sponsor of birthdays. It was a weird that Stroke passed due to cancer, and the commercial kept playing as I was finishing his memorial quilt. More on the event below.
Wednesday was also awards night at gymnastics (it's every 8 weeks). So I had my camera with me and was able to get lots of pictures during class of her in action. She has improved so so so much since January.

Do warm-ups. Warm-up time is a bit crazy sometimes because all the 615 classes warm-up at the same time. MK has finally decided to pay attention during warm-ups.

She has started holding on all by herself. Coach Andrew has made several comments about how well she is doing.

Her class. There are a few that were in her class last time, but no one from her 1st session.
Thursday was a regular Thursday. I sewed on the quilt some more. Friday was pretty boring too! I got the batten put in both quilts Friday night. Saturday started way to early with MK waking up at 815. She got so whiney by 11 that I made her take a nap. She doesn't always take a nap on the weekends, but when she cries about every little thing, I know its time for a nap. After she woke up from her nap we got her bag packed and I took her to Ian's for the night. Thanks to Kim for keeping her!! I met up with Lori, Natalie and Brother. We headed over to the hash (a running club with a drinking problem for those newer readers). It was a memorial hash for a fellow hasher that last his battle with cancer a few years back. I never got to meet Stroke, but know he has made a HUGE impact on those that did know him. The money paid to participate in this particular hash all went to our Relay for Life team, Team Go Go. It was great seeing old friends and making new, all while raising money to kick cancer's ass!!
Today started earlier than Saturday and MK wasn't even here!! Ben brought Ayden over. Ayden spent the day with MK and I while his Mommy worked and his Daddy went on the Stroke memorial bike/motorcycle ride.
We are heading to Alabama on Thursday night, so there probably won't be a Sunday Summary next week. Hopefully I'll get a few blogs done during the week. I'm looking forward to cramming a lot into the visit. We'll be there from late Thursday until sometime Tuesday. The main reason we are going is for the Carter reunion. MK and I are planning on staying with Michelle and Hailey. We also hope to spend some time with Mom's side of the family. I'm going to try to fit a trip to Troy into the mix, but don't know if we'll be able to make that happen. I'd love to hand out with the mafia, it's been so long since we've seen them!!

MK looks so adorable in her gymnastics outfit and I love the action shot of her hanging on the bar.
The quilts came out fabulous. I'm envious of the time you have to craft.
I hope you have a fabulous time in AL with the family. We will need to hang out when you get back. :)
Love the pot holder as a pocket! Super idea!
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