Shot Stop pre auction
Raising money for a good cause! Our fearless leader playing auctioneer!!
The following week, Mom and Aunt Ninny came down on Wednesday. They got to watch MK at gymnastics. Because it is in the middle of the week, not many people ever come to Tampa when she has it. Thursday we woke up early and took MK to school then headed to the hospital just in time for Monkey's surgery. He did great! We worked on packing up the rest of our stuff for the big move on Friday. Friday I signed the lease for our new apartment with the plans to start moving little stuff. When I got to the apartment complex I was told the carpet had not been replaced yet and it would be 3 before we could get in. We went to visit Monkey at the hospital. He was still being a trooper and had to have very little pain meds. (He had crano something or other. The plates in his head were fused together and he didn't have a soft spot, so they went in and separated the plates.)
In recovery just after surgery. Sweet baby! Being in the hospital with all the equipment brought back lots of memories of being there with Maddy.
This was taken on Friday.
Wes got back to Tampa and after a visit to the hospital to see Monkey, we began loading up his plant truck like a moving truck. We had a few friends come help and we got most of our stuff in one load. We knew it would be a late night, so we left MK with Mom and Ninny at Brother's house. Saturday was MK's birthday party. Luckily it wasn't until 3 pm, so that gave us time to get things together. She had a GREAT turnout and got lots of stuff.
It was a Dr. Seuss theme. My mom made her shirt the night before to match her invitation that I had made. This is my favorite picture of her of the day!
Games with Daddy! They played Red Light, Green Light and Duck, Duck Goose
Lori was going to make the cake again this year, but wasn't feeling well. Mom and MK made the cupcakes on Friday night and Lori came and decorated them on Saturday before the party. We made a pull-apart Dr. Seuss hat and then had others with blue icing with fish on top for one fish two fish red fish blue fish. We also had green eggs (deviled eggs with green middle) and then just goldfish.
More eating! The camera died during eating and I didn't get any of her opening gifts. I think someone else did.
Our Relay was on April 15th, which was also MK's 3rd birthday. I got to the Relay site about noon on Friday to help set up the Survivor area. It was a great event! I had to leave at about 7:15 am to go to work. We work 2 Saturdays a year, of course it had to fall the same weekend as Relay and MK's birthday! I got home at about 12:30, so yes I was awake for more than 24 hours (minus the 1.5 hours I slept in a camp chair at Relay). I got up about 3:15 and we headed to Brother's to get MK. We ended up going to Chuck-E-Cheese for an impromptu birthday party for her. Jessica has recently moved to town and treated MK to pizza and fun at Chuck-E-Cheese! Brother, Nat and Mac also went with us. I went to bed the same time as MK! I also had to work Sunday because a co-worker and I have been teaching our adoptive parent classes on Sundays for the last 9 weeks. As you can guess I've been exhausted!!
Team Go Go ready for the 80s Lap. We won the team spirit award again! Team Go Go has won team spirit for 8 out of the last 9 years. We also have been in the top fund raising spot for quite a while too!
Committee members during opening ceremonies.
Our RFL theme was Turning the channel on Cancer. Our team chose CSI as our theme. Celebrating, Surviving, Inspiring! This was one of our campsite signs showing out most wanted. We also had signs showing our missing (former team members). Our team raised over $15,000 again this year!
The following weekend was Easter. We had a low key weekend. We went to Brother/Natalie's for Easter dinner. It was good to hang out with not much happening.
Hopefully I'll be better at keeping update!

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