We went to Alabama the Wednesday before Memorial Day. We had a lot of to do while we were there. Thursday night my brother-in-law, Johnathan graduated from Charles Henderson High School.
Boppin with MK and Rayleigh after graduation.
MK waiting on Boppin to graduate
Sweet Rayleigh at graduation
MK had lots of fun and didn't really want to come home. She got to play with Alaina and Emma and stayed up WAAAY to late every night we were there!
She discovered dress up at Alaina's. She has played several times since we've been home. She also likes to play with Alain's cooking stuff better than her own!
MK as Rapunzel
MK swimming with Emma. These two had a ball playing together.
It was a great trip home, other than my continued headaches. I bumped my head on the trip up (on Wednesday) and have had pretty severe headaches since. I went to the ER on Saturday because the headaches had me in tears 2 different times that day. They did a CAT scan and said it didn't show anything. Thankfully as soon as I feel the pain starting, I can take some Tylenol, Aleve etc and they will go away. The pain is also becoming less dull, so hopefully it's getting better.
We joined the Loyal Order of the Moose/Women of the Moose a month or so ago. We have been going to the Moose Lodge on Sunday's for Game day. It has been a lot of fun. MK LOVES it! She has got to try so many new games. She has gotten pretty good at croquet and frisbee. She tried fishing for the 1st time today and could not get enough of it. I see more fishing in her future!
Fishing! (don't worry there was no hook on her line!)
Golfing with Daddy
Winning at Croquet. She has been appointed chairmen of the Rules committee, so we often play by MK rules. They change often!!
A few weeks ago we took MK and Ian to see Disney on Ice presents Toy Story 3. I made them both shirts to wear. They took a while, but turned out adorable!
I think they both loved it. MK says her favorite part was the Barbie part. The entire time Barbie and Ken were on the ice, she would look at them, then look at Ian. I'm not sure if she was trying to tell Ian he was her Ken or just to see if he was as interested as her. It was too cute either way!
Hopefully I'll get another blog up sooner rather than later!!

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