Wyatt with his Uncle Wesley.

Wyatt's Christmas pictures. Isn't he just adorable!! Pam at Priceless Pix does such a great job. She is the one that did out family pictures back in September. I haven't seen any of her work that I didn't like.
For those that don't know, I am helping raise money for Relay for Life. Anyone that donates at least $10 to me through the online system will get a free koozie from Misty's Kreations. I will put your name, initials or a design of your choice (limited to designs I have). After you donate leave me a comment here or on facebook to let me know what you want on your koozie. Right now my team, Team Go Go, is in 3rd place. Will you help us move to first?!?
Do you like my new background? I got it from Shel's Scrap blog. She has lots of neat designs. There is a link on the right side. Be sure to check out her designs!
I'm sure you also noticed my new header. Isn't it adorable! Christmas was one of the last things we celebrated with Madyson. It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 years without her!
MK is this year wearing the pajamas that Maddy wore for her 1st Christmas. In the pictures in my header, they have on the same dress. It's weird how somethings they wore about the same time then others are a year difference. We have pictures of Maddy up and MK will look at them and say "Maa son" It is too cute to hear her say her sister's name.
I'm hoping to take MK to the beach tomorrow and get some pictures of her in her Christmas dress to use for Christmas cards. She's not being real cooperative with me so far.

I was trying to get her to help me put up the tree but she wanted to show her Daddy the ornaments she found. This was Madyson's ornament from the Batemans, I think. Now I am second guessing myself. Maybe it was MK's ornament. I know it was from the Batemans!!
I'm going to leave you with a big ROLL TIDE! Let's ROLL over those Gators.

The pictures are so sweet Misty. Did you have any luck in the picture taking department? Kyra was highly uncooperative so I hope you had better luck than me!
Cute pictures! Kids grow so fast.
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