I'm a "single" mom for the next few months. Wesley is in Nebraska working for Bonnie Plant Farm. He has worked for this company before. The good part of the job is that when the season is over, he is off until next February. Basically he works from February until August. He hopes to go back to school in his off season.
Madelyn will be two in a month! Where has time gone? It seems like just the other day I was at Michele's with Beth and found out I was pregnant with her. It is amazing how big she is. Her teachers at daycare have told me several times how smart she is. She can count to 15 in English and 10 in Spanish. She can also count to 5 in Chinese when she wants to. She loves to sing. Her favorite songs are ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider and If You're Happy and You Know It. I've been trying for a little over a week to record her singing, but when she sees my phone she quits singing. I finally got her tonight while she was singing in the bath. I'll try to figure out how to get it online.

She is such a ham! She loves having her picture taken and likes to take self portraits. She has her "two year old" moments! They started about 4 months ago throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way. She has gotten pretty good at all out tantrums, laying on the floor kicking her feet, screaming, the whole nine yards. They seemed to get worse the 1st week after Wesley left, but luckily they have improved.
She is such a ham! She loves having her picture taken and is learning to take self portraits. She often holds up my cell phone and says "Cheese". She started taking gymnastics right after the 1st of the year. She seems to enjoy most of it. She doesn't really like the trampoline part, but does it a little longer each week. Every 8 weeks they have an awards night. Brother and Natalie were going to come watch and weren't able to make it. I didn't take the camera because I thought they were coming. I got a few with my phone.

This is her class plus one of the bigger kids getting their ribbons. She was quickly over it and more interested in the balloons.
Thanks to facebook I have reconnected with a best friend from high school. Life had caused us to drift apart, but we are back now! We talk most nights on facebook and are planning to hang out when I go home in April. I'm trying hard to talk her into coming down for a weekend. I think I've talked her into coming for MK's birthday party!!

1 comment:
Aww, I didn't realize Wesley was gone! We will definitely have to take the kids out to the park and the beach on the weekends.
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