It's that time of the year where I ask MK her "birthday" questions. She looks forward to them as much as I do. I like to see how her answer change from year to year. You can read her
7 year old questions here and all the other years are linked on the bottom of
this post.
What is your favorite color? Black
is your favorite toy? xbox 360
What is your favorite fruit? bananas
what is your favorite TV show? Disney show
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Lunchables
What is your favorite games? Mind Craft
What is your favorite thing to wear? school uniforms
what is your favorite snack? Gummies
what is your favorite animal? fox
is your favorite song? FireBall
favorite book? Harry Potter series
best friend? Hailee
eat for breakfast? Reese's Puffs cereal
thing to do outside? play with my friends
favorite drink? chocolate milk
favorite holiday? I don't have a favorite holiday as long as i get to spend time with family.
take to bed with with you
? Madyson Bear and Ice Cold
what do you want to be when you grow up
? A Vet and a waitress
where is your favorite place to go? school
What is something Mommy always says? how many times have i repeated myself.
What is something Daddy always says? I miss you too
What's your favorite thing about
second grade? that i get to learn new things with a new teacher and i made new friends
Anything else you want people to know? As an 8 year old i want to take on responsibilities more independently with less help. i want to do learn to do different things. i want to try to find my own way of doing things. I'm a big fat brain and I love school.
Other things that happened this year--
- we got a dog, Shadow!
- MK is still a dancing fool and takes 5 different kinds of dance.
- despite not making the competition team at dance, she still supports her friends that did.
- she's crazy smart
- she missed her first day of school in her entire life, last week because she was sick
- she likes Beanie Boos and Shopkins
- she is a techie like her Daddy. She likes playing video games and playing on her phone or the computer.
- she often gets in trouble for ready when she is supposed to be doing other task.
- she is still the slowest person I know and does things in her time
Here is MK's year in review in pictures.
she danced... a lot! |
She made her own tutus for her Halloween costumes |
she found a new friend that has become a best friend |
she had a lot of new adventures during vacation in NC |
she hung out with old friends on Uncle Jay's boat |
hiking in NC |
horseback riding in NC |
hiked to Stone Mountain |
she hosted a holiday Ornament party |
she hung out with cousins |
she became Luna Lovegood |
she went to her first concert |
and her first overnight camping trip |
she played some soccer but took a season off too |
she danced as a mouse in the Nutcracker |
and danced some more at home with Anna |
she was Student of the Month for CARING! |
we went to American Girl Store and M&M Store during Spring Break |
and we got a dog! |
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