10- Never loose your Glow
You have always stood out from the crowd and did things your way in your time. It's okay to stand out and be different. I know I sometimes question your clothing choices, but you don't care. While this sometimes drives me crazy, it is one thing I love about you. You like what you like. Don't ever feel you need to change who you are to fit in.
9- Little eyes are watching
You are getting older and becoming a role model for the little eyes. This is your cousins, younger dancers, kids at school. Everywhere you go, little eyes are watching. You won't always know they are watching, so be mindful of what you do and say. Don't do something you wouldn't be proud to see Anna (or anyone you love) do! 
8- Play hard and get dirty
Give life your all. Don't forget what you love to do, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. Put on make up when it's time but don't forget how to kick the soccer ball or play in the mud. You may not be the best, but give it a try and have fun doing it-- whatever it is.7- Words Hurt
You've experienced this some this year but it's only going to get worse as you get older. Your words are going to hurt your friends' feelings and their words are going to hurt your feelings. Think about things before you say them. Ask yourself, how you would feel if someone said it to you? Is it helpful to the other person? Be respectful when you talk to people- young and old alike.6- Never stop reading
You have loved reading for as long as I can remember. Never stop reading. Read for fun, read to learn, read to escape reality, read for adventures... whatever the reason-- just keep reading!The more read the more things you will know. The more you learn the more places you will go! - Dr. Seuss
5- Remember your village and choose 5
The old saying is "It takes a village to raise a child". You have a large village, use it! There will be things you don't want to talk to me and Daddy about- find one of your 5 and talk. What is this 5? 5 adults in addition to me and daddy-- you have lots to choose from. These are the 5 people who you truly care what they have to say. They are the people who will call you out when you are being a jerk but be your biggest cheerleader. Don't be afraid to talk to them, but more importantly, listen to what they have to say. They will help you be the best you, you can be. 4- It's okay to be wrong

3- Don't stop believing!

Believe in magic. Believe in yourself. Believe in your friends. There will be people that doubt your beliefs and try to sway you to not believe - don't stop believing! Follow your dreams and make magic happen.You want to be a professional artist and dancer - believing you can be successfully at both and working hard will get you there.
2- Be last; don't rush through life

1- You may out grow our lap, but never our hearts!

I'll end with our annual birthday questions. Each year since MK was 2, I have asked her the same set of questions. It's fun to see what has stayed the same over the years and what has changed as she has gotten older.
here are 9 year old answers
8 with link to age 7
Everything else is linked on this blog
Annual Birthday Questions
What is your favorite color? anything metallicwhat is your favorite toy? LPS
What is your favorite fruit? pineapple
what is your favorite TV show? Bizardvark
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? popcorn chicken or pizza dippers
What is your favorite games? Roblox
What is your favorite thing to wear? a jumper
what is your favorite snack? rice crispy treats
what is your favorite animal? grey fox or red wolf
what is your favorite song? Never fully dressed without a smile by Rihanna
favorite book? Warriors
best friend? Hollie and Ali-Cat
eat for breakfast? waffles
thing to do outside? play soccer
favorite drink? grape juice
favorite holiday? Easter
take to bed with with you? Madyson Bear and Ice Cold
what do you want to be when you grow up? a professional artist and dancer
where is your favorite place to go? Dance
What is something Mommy always says? hurry up
What is something Daddy always says? I love you
What's your favorite thing about 4th grade? the teachers that plan the fun activities
Anything else you want people to know?girl scout cookies are *thumbs up*
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